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About UsGreat Pyrenees Advocates of Texas (GPAT) was established to respond to the extreme numbers of at-risk Great Pyrenees dogs and Great Pyrenees mixes that need our help. Our mission is to provide hands on rescue assistance as well as community outreach and education about the breed. We believe these measures combined will save the lives of hundreds of Pyr's throughout Texas that need us. Some of the dogs we help have medical and behavioral issues. Our commitment is to provide the care, love and rehabilitation these dogs need and place them in the loving, forever homes they deserve. We are excited that Great Pyrenees Advocates of Texas (GPAT) is a strong voice for this regal breed followed up with action and lifesaving support to make a tremendous impact on the homeless dog population in Texas. Together we can make a difference. These dogs need us and we want to answer their call for help. Texas is known for having the largest stray population problem within the U.S. Each day dogs are euthanized in overcrowded shelters, dumped on roadsides or suffer neglect and abuse. We hope you will join us in our journey to advocate for these amazing dogs by adopting, fostering, volunteering or donating. President - Leisa Lovy Vice President - Candice Gourley Secretary - Treasurer - Holly Williamson Social Media - Natalee Kelaher Janee Wasierski Foster Coordinator - Linda Murray
Photographs Courtesy Of: Wendy Tuller Our sincere thanks and gratitude to Wendy Tuller for providing the beautiful photographs seen throughout this site. |
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