First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone*
Work Phone x
Cell Phone*
Alt Email
Please list your age:*
What is the best time to call?*
What is your occupation? Please state also if full-time or part-time, retired or student.* *
How did you hear about us*
How can you help and what are you interested in doing? (IF on a computer, please hold the "Control" key down while selecting multiple options.) Choose all that apply: Choose all that apply: Data Entry / Computer Skills Evaluate Shelter Pyrs Evaluate Owner Surrenders Fundraising Grant Writing Home Visits Meet and Greets Phone Screening Transportation Vet Visits
Do you have other skills or comments?*
Are you currently volunteering with or have you worked with other rescue? If you like, please give us the rescue's name and a phone number or email contact: *
How familiar are you with the Great Pyrenees Breed, or large breed dogs in general?*
Have you attended obedience class or worked with a dog trainer before?
Describe your past experience in training for desirable behaviors and managing unwanted behaviors?*
Are you aware that Pyrenees have a tendency to bark and roam if not securely fenced?
Have you SUCCESSFULLY MANAGED the following behaviors: (Yes/No/Does not apply): Counter Surfing
Successfully managed a dog with housetraining accidents?
Successfully managed a dog with leash reactivity?
Successfully managed a dog with inappropriate chewing?
Successfully managed a dog with excessive barking?
Successfully managed a dog with fence jumping or barrier reactivity?
Successfully managed a dog that engaged in chasing cats or other smaller pets?
Successfully managed a dog with separation anxiety (whining, destructiveness or acting out when left alone)
Successfully managed a dog with shyness or aggression toward strangers?
Successfully managed a dog with aggression toward other dogs?
Successfully managed a dog with resource guarding
Successfully managed a dog that enjoyed digging in the yard or flower beds?
I understand that I may be given online access to applications that contain the phone numbers and addresses of applicants, and I understand that it is my responsibility to use the Great Pyrenees Advocates of Texas rescue information for Great Pyrenees Advocates of Texas screening purposes only and that I will keep all applicant data safe to the best of my ability. Please Fill In your name as acknowledging this statement: * *